Elevate Krav Maga (formerly KMG Tasmania) in affiliation with KMG (Krav Maga Global), has been operating in Tasmania since 2014. KMG is recognised as the largest and single most professional and internationally active Krav Maga organization in the world, Elevate Krav Maga is proud to continue to offer instruction in the techniques and principles taught by KMG, here in our Hobart PCYC Dojo.
Developed and used by the Israeli Defence Forces, Krav Maga is known for its practical and realistic techniques and tactics for avoiding, preventing, deterring and handling all types of violent confrontations - it's a constantly evolving self defence system designed for use in the real world by real people!
Check out http://www.elevatekravmaga.com.au and https://www.facebook.com/elevatekravmaga for more information.
More information about Elevate Krav Maga classes may be found at www.elevatekravmaga.com.au or by contacting Mr Darren Belcher on 0418 748 121 or email info@elevatekravmaga.com.au